Homebirth Services
Studies show planned home births for women who have low-risk pregnancies with a trained midwife have great outcomes. Some of our stats recently are:
89% birth occurring at home
93% have vaginal births
87% VBAC success rates
<5% pitocin/epidural use in labor
<5% c-section rate
<2% emergent transport rate
The Midwife Model of Care is Founded on Shared Decison Making with a Commitment to Safe, Respectful, & Individualized Care
Homebirth Can Be A Great Option For You If You Desire:
V.B.A.C (vaginal birth after cesarean)
Waterbirth & freedom of movement
Include your family and children
Avoid unnecessary medical interventions
Homebirth Package
Fee $6,000
Full Prenatal Care
Prenatal appointments are 1-hour long visits which include nutrition and exercise counseling, basic childbirth education, and comprehensive medical care following the standard obstetrical guidelines. Appointments begin during your first trimester until you deliver your baby. Frequency follows the standard model of care of every 4 weeks from 10-28 weeks. Every 2 weeks from 28-36 weeks. Weekly visits from 36-42 weeks. All lab work is included in the homebirth package price.
As your midwife I am on-call 24/7 for you and can attend your homebirth from 37-42 weeks gestation. Typically, at the first signs of labor we will check in by phone. I will join you at your house once you’re in active labor and will remain with you continuously until after your baby is born. As your labor progresses a second assistant midwife will arrive for additional help during and after the birth. At your birth my role is to provide emotional support and a physical container of safety to ensure all is well and normal.
I periodically monitor your baby’s heart rate and wellbeing, along with your vitals. In the comfort of your own home you have the freedom to move about, be in any position as you please, including the bath tub. After the birth I stay a minimum of 4 hours ensuring everyone has transitioned well, I clean up, then tuck your family in for a nap.
Postpartum visits include a 24 hour, (optional) 3 day, and 10 day home visit. In addition a 4 week and 6 week office visit. During these appointments I’ll make sure both you and your baby are healing well, your baby is healthy and gaining weight, and answer any questions you might have.
Full breastfeeding education, including initial support immediately postpartum, throughout your 6 weeks postpartum. I am an IBCLC candidate and passionate about breastfeeding. I love supporting the breastfeeding relationship and have personally breastfeed my own children an accumulative of 7 years.
Newborn Care
Your baby is in my scope of practice for the first 6 weeks of life and I offer the same routine newborn screening provided in the hospital such as the metabolic screen, hearing screen, congenital heart defect screen, weight and growth assessments, and vitamin k / erythromycin at the time of birth, should you chose it.
Closing Ceremony
At your 6 week visit you have the option to receive a "closing" ceremony which includes a Mayan Abdominal Massage, yoni steam, and belly binding.